hey i want to put highlights in my hair but i was wondering what color , i dont really want blond highlights, alredy tried it any help?? i kinda wanted red highlights but im not sure ifit would look good.
Brown hair -------- highlights?
really light colours that stand out are best. Like a blondie orange is nice with brown hair from what I've seen. I attached pics hope they can help you decide!!
oh and make em THICK
not stringy tiny highlights, make like patches of em !! :D
Brown hair -------- highlights?
A nice hazel or lighter brown, i also have brown hair and had that done it looks good.
Brown hair -------- highlights?
oh believe me i am a brunette and if u get warm bronze it looks pretty cool.. thats what i have... RED WOULD LOOK AMAZING thats gonna be my next color
or maybe like a copper color(my friend had that done) but dont get permanent cuz believe me it will take forever to grow it out...
Brown hair -------- highlights?
try auburn (not sure if i spelled that right) highlights. not too light, because that would look weird. but if you go with darker auburn, it will look good. or carmel, that would look good too, and it's different than blonde. or.....you could try multi colored, like blue or pink or something...but that's only if you want like...crazy hair or something.
Brown hair -------- highlights?
I have brown hair too . I tried blond and red highlights
The red ones were cool but you can really see them and my hair isn't that dark.
I now have these lighter brownish-orangery highlights which look great you should try it
Brown hair -------- highlights?
i have brown hair and i think a really cute color would be like a dark red or a lighter red color but beware of the red turning orange
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